Espionage and Kidnapping
Espionage and Kidnapping
To be truthful I 'skipped over' this level all the time on replay. There are some interesting challenges, and some neat tricks you can pull.. thanks to your JUDAS!
You don't have to research or build it, yay! But you'd BETTER keep it alive. Thats why you have a healing commander, use it well and you'll have some real fun here.
Move your units north, eliminating the turret with the reapers first. Move up and the hallway to your left will start to send enemy units to you. If you position wour reapers on stand ground/high intiative, you can use the Judas in FP to capture a rocket knight and some turrets reapers if you're really good. Watch out for the machine gun turret to the north of that hallway entrance or use the reapers to take it out.
Heal everyone. Work your way around the map clockwise,the other way will annilhate you. You will first encounter a bolter knight and a plasma tank. But there's a turret there so if you're going to try judasing them both, you risk the turret tearing them apart. Lure them by heading back to where you came from and reversing your view in first person.
As you advance you will encounter a small squad of reapers. You can have the other units fight while you try and judas a few, carefully please. No judas, the party's over!
Advance north, and as you come around to where the commanders are, a few reapers and a knight come along. Do the best you can, if you use the judas keep it in FP mode. Mind the turrets guarding the area where the commanders are, destroy them.
Now, heal everyone again, and save the game. The hallway that leads south is tight! Run the Judas up in FP. Keep it alive, and capture at least one commander. It gets thricky as the first commander you capture starts to get shot at by the other, and they can kill each other, game over. Then, get the healing commander up and heal everyone.... just in time for another attack by the enemy. A few reapers and a knight attck from the east, see if you can judas the knight. Oh, and once you've treacheried the commander, your judas is expendable. The commander is NOT!
The best thing to do is walk your squad back the way they came. No resistance and no turrets, when the captured commander returns to the start point it's over and you are victorious.
Additional thoughts:
- If you want a real diversion, and you have two rocket knights, you can try this after capturing the commander and eliminating the last enemies. Using the rocket knights in FP, continue around clockwise to where the two plasma turrets are in the hallway corner (do NOT go straight into that eastern room its full of turrets). They will work at your shields first, so if you're quick and you can get off a few shots, you can take turns with the two knights, letting their shield recharge between passes. Then, you can just take everyone south and use a big shortcut.
- Except for the tank, the enemy uses no plasma weapons.