Project: New Skirmish map - Onslaught - COMPLETED April 1st 2015
Okay. First I'm going to try to add a new map to the list.
Used Mb's Extractor to extract .txt from a .bin file. I'm going to use m_contrl.bin as the original file.
Added m_onslght.txt to the /data folder.
Created/copied m_contrl.arb and .psd and changed them to m_onslght.arb and psd.
Added m_onslght behind Joust in the scninfo.dat file
Added m_onslght.scn to Mach1.met
TERRAIN control IDS 8299 TEXT sk_cont.txt SCENARIO m_onslght PLANET m_onslght IDS 8399 TEXT m_onslght.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN
Don't know what IDS I should enter tho. Or is this the file where you define them in the first place?
No map added yet :( More tweaking requiredNow I've changed //Special to the following:
// SPECIAL TERRAIN interior IDS 8207 TEXT sk_space.txt SCENARIO sk_space PLANET space IDS 8321 TEXT space1.txt MUSIC 11 ENDTERRAIN TERRAIN home IDS 8209 TEXT joust.txt SCENARIO joust PLANET joust IDS 8360 TEXT joust1.txt MUSIC 9 SCENARIO m_onslght PLANET m_onslght IDS 8399 TEXT m_onslght.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN TERRAIN control IDS 8208 TEXT sk_cont.txt SCENARIO m_onslght PLANET m_onslght IDS 8399 TEXT m_onslght.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN END
Let's see where the error is.
It doesn't seem to get added at all, so I must be doing something wrong with replacing the old scninfo.dat files somehow.Update:
I keep deleting things but the list just doesn't seem to update :sUpdate:
Can't seem to update anything at all. Not even Mb's mod is doing anything. Whaaaa?Update:
I have to read this: -
- returned. Wow. My hat's off to ya, you're our modder.
@Judas nice to see you again! I remember you from old (2007) .
IDS are string ID stored in machstrg.dll (you can edit this file with programs like Resource Hacker). It must be valid ID that exist in machstrg.dll.
- sceninfo.dat must be in data/
- savegame/playinfo.bin must be deleted after each change in sceninfo.dat
- pdata/sceninfo.bin must be deleted after each change in sceninfo.dat
If you are using Windows above XP, this files can be duplicated in VirtualStore (%userprofile%\Appdata\local\Virtual Store\Program Files).
Cool! Thanks!
Step 1:
Downloaded Resource HackerStep 2: Opened Machstrng.dll and opened folder 524 / 2057 (We should save this entire table somewhere so we can reserve ID's for the future)
STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK { 8368, "Ice Moon Maze - Day/Night" 8369, "Ice Moon Mountain - Day/Night" 8370, "Central Dominance - Day/Night" 8371, "King of the Castle - Day/Night" 8372, "Island Skirmish - Day/Night" 8373, "Oasis - Day/Night" 8374, "Onslaught" }
Added my map with ID 8374
Step 3: Savegame/playinfo.bin? I never get anything there I believe :s
Let's see...
Nothing. Waaat... Hmm
I put this in the scninfo.dat which I placed in /Data
TERRAIN desert IDS 8200 TEXT mdesert.txt SCENARIO m_desert PLANET m_desert IDS 8346 TEXT mdesert.txt MUSIC 8 SCENARIO daynight PLANET daynight IDS 8347 TEXT daynight.txt MUSIC 10 SCENARIO m_onslght PLANET m_onslght IDS 8374 TEXT m_onslght.txt MUSIC 9 ENDTERRAIN
Update: Finally, some love. A crash, but it's better than nothing.
Update: And now it won't stop crashing. ugh.
Update: Re-installing entire Machines folder. Hehe. Got to go to the gym. Will work more on it tonight
If you are playing then Machines/Savegame/playinfo.bin must exist. As well as save*.sav files.
I suspect that your savegame/ can be in VirtualStore. VirtualStore is a special folder under user settings, take a look at
Another thing: this procedure was tested only on Machines with "XP Patch".
I was supposed to go to the gym
But I love you.
INDEED it was 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Machines' wherein the files were hidden. I smote them all and now it WORKS!
Alright. Now I'm going to set the map to the correct settings
Does crash tho. (Prolly cause there's nothing in the map!) -
I changed m_control.scn to m_onslaught.scn and changed the .spl files to m_onslaught_r.spl, b, y & g. No other changes. Also, it crashed on scenario load. But this should be fine.
Update: It actually crashes on any skirmishmap. Hmm
RACES_DEFAULT RED PC BLUE AI GREEN AI YELLOW AI ENDRACES_DEFAULT MINERAL SITES //artificailly high because transporters don't move on to next mine //DEFAULT MINES //SITE 1 2000 545.056 598.854 9.93957 //SITE 1 2000 586.701 570.18 9.935 //SITE 1 2000 616.057 631.283 9.93725 //SITE 1 2000 119.969 620.69 9.935 this causes machines to leave safety SITE 1 2000 149.354 998.874 9.935 LOW SITE 1 4000 149.354 998.874 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 8000 149.354 998.874 9.935 HIGH //SITE 1 2000 239.976 958.213 9.935 causes jam SITE 1 2000 320.31 1040.81 9.935 LOW SITE 1 4000 320.31 1040.81 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 8000 320.31 1040.81 9.935 HIGH //SITE 1 2000 1034.93 1038.78 9.935 this causes machines to leave safety SITE 1 2000 1001.2 959.689 9.935 LOW SITE 1 4000 1001.2 959.689 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 8000 1001.2 959.689 9.935 HIGH //SITE 1 2000 1080.39 619.625 9.935 causes machines to leave safety //RED MINES SITE 1 500 237.45 392.788 9.935 SITE 1 2000 320.526 388.31 9.935 SITE 1 4000 337.137 518.048 9.935 LOW SITE 1 8000 337.137 518.048 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 16000 337.137 518.048 9.935 HIGH //BLUE SITES SITE 1 2000 420 200 9.935 SITE 1 4000 639.795 160.017 9.935 SITE 1 4000 560.301 321.162 9.935 LOW SITE 1 8000 560.301 321.162 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 16000 560.301 321.162 9.935 HIGH //GREEN SITES SITE 1 1000 880.401 800.411 9.935 SITE 1 1000 960.645 720.942 9.935 SITE 1 4000 879.615 479.372 9.935 LOW SITE 1 8000 879.615 479.372 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 16000 879.615 479.372 9.935 HIGH //YELLOW SITES SITE 1 500 479.334 879.493 9.935 SITE 1 2000 549.256 958.57 9.935 SITE 1 4000 709.245 1047.38 9.935 LOW SITE 1 8000 709.245 1047.38 9.935 MEDIUM SITE 1 16000 709.245 1047.38 9.935 HIGH ENDSITES //CONDITIONS //ACTIONS //----------------------------------------RED RACE RED data/m_onslaught_r.spl //FORTIFY TIGHT POSITION CAMERA_POS 440 600 150 0 41 0 ZENITH CONSTRUCTIONS POD 1 228.603 493.061 9.935 -270 T_ION_ORBITAL_CANNON //MINE 1 237.45 392.788 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 320.526 388.31 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 337.137 518.048 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 225.166 539.139 9.935 0 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 294.61 382.615 9.935 0 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 346.882 575.247 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 256.69 673.17 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 290.194 620.33 9.935 0 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 268.752 382.646 9.935 -180 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 348.419 624.462 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 303.071 672.167 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD BEACON 1 217.321 416.509 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 335.881 600.293 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 281.03 661.467 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 280.195 900.774 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 335.713 599.658 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 280.192 660.586 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 3 279.652 958.138 9.935 -90 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 359.857 1000.05 9.93507 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 200 920 9.93544 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 200.788 920.615 10 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT HARDWARE_LAB 3 283.23 576.85 9.93879 -90 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT HARDWARE_LAB 3 282.576 518.814 9.93552 -90 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT SMELTER 1 247.424 1050.88 9.935 -180 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 320.407 960.751 9.935 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 327.937 1000.84 9.93798 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 3 230 580.155 9.935 0 MILITARY NOT_BUILT FACTORY 5 182 1050 9.935 -90 MILITARY NOT_BUILT FACTORY 5 187.232 955.693 9.93521 0 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT FACTORY 4 281.807 1056.33 9.935 -90 MILITARY NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 5 338.901 448.645 9.935 -90 ICBM T_NUCLEAR_MISSILE NOT_BUILT BEACON 3 339.632 404.282 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT SMELTER 3 247.604 627.992 9.935 0T NOT_BUILT MACHINES CONSTRUCTOR 1 1 580 600 9.935 DOZER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 320.77 639.967 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 281.119 819.076 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 341.091 976.166 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 341.16 1040.45 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 199.685 881.762 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 217.81 440.667 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 321.201 480.554 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 320 640 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 280 820 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 340 975 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 340 1040 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 200 880 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 217 440 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 320 480 ASSEMBLY ADMINISTRATOR 320 640 //VIRTUAL_BEACON LEVEL_3_BEACON NBMU 800 NORE 0 ENDRACE //----------------------------------------BLUE RACE BLUE data/m_onslaught_b.spl //AGGRESIVE PRODUCTION LINE CAMERA_POS 600 440 150 90 41 0 ZENITH CONSTRUCTIONS POD 1 540.058 144.393 9.935 -270 T_ION_ORBITAL_CANNON //MINE 1 639.795 160.017 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 560.301 321.162 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 159.884 159.856 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 418.622 160.04 9.935 0 FACTORY 1 480.566 139.584 9.935 -270 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 280.376 140 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 360.184 140 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 680 140 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 715 140 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 420 139.248 9.935 -270 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 390.397 138.642 9.935 -270 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 3 223.307 150.096 9.935 -270 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 400.379 280.532 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 600.949 360.953 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 400.379 280.532 9.935 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 600.949 360.953 9.935 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 439.922 186.473 9.94003 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 600.177 186.473 9.93993 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 1000 187 12.2448 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 1000 204 12.2448 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 1000 204 9.9397 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT BEACON 1 506.791 131.811 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 3 320.343 143.303 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT HARDWARE_LAB 3 165.725 161.604 9.935 0 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT SMELTER 1 644.605 313.444 9.935 -270 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 3 600.189 140.976 9.935 -270 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT //FACTORY 5 1016.38 161.893 9.935 -180 MILITARY NOT_BUILT //FACTORY 4 940.787 143.568 9.935 0 MILITARY NOT_BUILT //SMELTER 3 880.234 169.44 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT BEACON 3 745.597 140.78 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 5 796.388 152.374 9.935 0 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 5 602.826 320.444 9.93517 -90 ICBM T_NUCLEAR_MISSILE NOT_BUILT FACTORY 1 880.874 139.069 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 3 921.249 145.75 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 3 968.557 145.75 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 3 1017.3 145.75 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD MACHINES CONSTRUCTOR 1 1 600 580 9.935 DOZER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 600.052 239.081 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 440.199 219.76 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 760 160.427 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 201.259 279.394 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 1000.13 239.217 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 360.949 239.682 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 945.583 177.144 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 600 240 //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 440 220 //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 760 160 //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 200 280 //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 1000 240 //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 360 240 //ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 945 177 //ASSEMBLY ADMINISTRATOR 600 240 //ASSEMBLY POINTS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT IN CORRIDORS (2 in LAST) ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 200 230 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 280 230 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 360 230 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 440 230 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 600 230 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 1000 220 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 1000 250 ASSEMBLY ADMINISTRATOR 200 230 //VIRTUAL_BEACON LEVEL_3_BEACON NBMU 800 NORE 0 ENDRACE //----------------------------------------GREEN RACE GREEN data/m_onslaught_g.spl //ANNEX CENTRAL ROOM CAMERA_POS 760 600 150 180 41 0 ZENITH CONSTRUCTIONS //POD 1 970.157 460 9.935 -270 T_ION_ORBITAL_CANNON //UPSIDE DOWN TO AVOID BOTTLENECK, BUT LOCATOR THEN DIDNT BOTHER WORKING! POD 1 970.157 460 9.935 -270 T_ION_ORBITAL_CANNON //MINE 1 879.615 479.372 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 880.401 800.411 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 960.645 720.942 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //FIRST FACTORY SOUTH OF POD, THEN DEFEND SOUTH FACTORY 1 958.994 803.209 9.935 -90 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 920.148 820.752 9.93994 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 902.351 601.082 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 906.668 830.957 9.94339 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 933.665 831.582 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 863.216 759.427 9.935 0 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD //THEN DEFEND NORTH //FACTORY 1 881.817 397.393 9.935 -270 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 924.171 304.548 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 920.12 377.48 9.94004 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 907.257 365.344 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 934.709 365.345 9.942 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //SECURE THE MAIN ROOM MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 587.425 445.689 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 615.722 446.246 9.94234 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 449.028 582.33 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 449.367 614.188 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 587.191 756.013 9.9413 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 612.949 756.352 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 862.538 741.465 9.935 0 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 960 390 9.935 -180 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD BEACON 1 985 485 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 3 667.089 466.326 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT SMELTER 1 721.108 512.858 9.935 -270 NOT_BUILT HARDWARE_LAB 3 720.187 678.798 9.935 -180 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT HARDWARE_LAB 3 679.487 722.764 9.935 -90 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT FACTORY 3 474.119 511.682 9.935 0 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT FACTORY 5 519.734 468.727 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT FACTORY 4 473.319 709.152 9.935 0 MILITARY NOT_BUILT FACTORY 5 537.848 726.98 9.935 -90 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT SMELTER 3 478.805 663.763 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT BEACON 3 599.799 599.896 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 479.663 600.041 9.935 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 600.592 479.668 9.93512 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 725.215 600.933 9.935 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 600.006 721.8 9.93567 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 600.145 518.644 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 680.461 599.496 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 600.143 679.251 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 520.325 599.792 9.93504 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 5 723.093 475.666 9.935 -90 ICBM T_NUCLEAR_MISSILE NOT_BUILT MACHINES CONSTRUCTOR 1 1 620 600 9.94011 DOZER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 919.952 399.529 9.93518 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 920.291 800.828 9.93531 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 922.872 600.924 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 560.492 480.46 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 480.62 640.582 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 640.654 720.916 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 720.845 600.177 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER // NORTH CORRIDOR ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 860 600 // WEST CORRIDOR ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 1080 380 // BIG ROOM LINK CORIDOR ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 930 288 // GUARD SOUTH ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 880 800 // NORTH BIG ROOM ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 640 480 //EAST BIG ROOM ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 480 560 //SOUTH BIG ROOM ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 640 720 ASSEMBLY ADMINISTRATOR 860 600 //VIRTUAL_BEACON LEVEL_3_BEACON NBMU 800 NORE 0 ENDRACE //----------------------------------------YELLOW RACE YELLOW data/m_onslaught_y.spl //FORTIFY POSTION CAMERA_POS 600 760 150 -90 41 0 ZENITH CONSTRUCTIONS POD 1 488.886 1041.28 9.935 -90 T_ION_ORBITAL_CANNON //MINE 1 479.334 879.493 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 549.256 958.57 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //MINE 1 709.245 1047.38 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 463.101 917.953 9.935 0 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 461.052 951.101 9.935 0 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD //TURRETS SEPERATED BECAUSE CONSTRUCTORS IN EACH OTHERS WAY MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 448.756 1016.16 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 1 651.46 1012.08 9.935 0 MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 448.756 983.623 9.94328 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 1 659.255 980.221 9.935 0 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 462.543 1000.74 9.93972 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 600.621 859.06 9.94023 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 4 735.804 1000.95 9.935 0 LAUNCHER LR_LARGE_MISSILE_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 748.96 1023.32 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 748.282 979.601 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 587.742 847.218 9.935 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 2 613.837 847.897 9.94296 0 TURRET LR_AUTO_CANNON_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD BEACON 1 639.853 960.045 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT REBUILD //DEFEND SECOND ROOM MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 920.592 933.275 9.9402 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 3 889.82 943.785 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT SMELTER 1 932.539 1052.68 9.935 -180 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 3 519.953 859.587 9.935 -270 MILITARY NOT_BUILT HARDWARE_LAB 3 966.057 1048.63 9.935 -90 LAB_CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT REBUILD HARDWARE_LAB 3 1007.77 1051.74 9.935 0 LAB_MILITARY NOT_BUILT REBUILD FACTORY 3 965.886 945.681 9.935 -270 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 600.854 859.762 9.94032 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 3 463.478 1001.85 9.93931 0 SENTRY LR_MULTI_LAUNCHER5_X2 NOT_BUILT SMELTER 3 877.583 1026.34 9.935 -90 NOT_BUILT FACTORY 5 1039.99 971.041 9.935 -270 CIVILIAN NOT_BUILT FACTORY 4 654.008 1051.11 9.935 0 MILITARY NOT_BUILT MISSILE_EMPLACEMENT 5 540.055 1060.51 9.935 0 ICBM T_NUCLEAR_MISSILE NOT_BUILT BEACON 3 726.748 865.998 9.935 0 NOT_BUILT MACHINES CONSTRUCTOR 1 1 600 620 9.94019 DOZER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 420.765 1000.1 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 719.805 1000.8 9.93507 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 600.913 873.364 9.93749 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 320.11 1000.53 9.93504 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 879.856 1000.53 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 563.166 1036.91 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //AGGRESSOR 1 1 712.64 887.961 9.935 GRUNT R_BOLTER //ONLY 4 ASSEMBLIES! //NEAR POD WEST - GUARDING NORTH - GUARDING NORTH(ROOM2) - GUARDING LINK CORRIDOR ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 480 960 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 640 880 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 920 960 ASSEMBLY AGGRESSOR 720 1040 ASSEMBLY ADMINISTRATOR 480 960 //VIRTUAL_BEACON LEVEL_3_BEACON NBMU 800 NORE 0 ENDRACE RESEARCH_ITEMS data/default.rsi data/lowtech.rsi data/medtech.rsi data/hightech.rsi ENDRESEARCH_ITEMS
I reloaded the entire /pdata folder aaannddd:
So now:
Create Red's Base
Create Red's MinesUsing the m_onslaught.scn file above
But how will you find the X and Y coords?
Each pixel is 1 unit of distance. So 400x400 on the .JPG is 400x400 ingame. Easy placement!
Good work.
I always had hope that someday someone will make some use from binex and psbex.
I'm so close. Somehow it just won't use the new .spl and .scn files I've created. Load bar is 50%
No Crash
TERRAIN control IDS 8208 TEXT sk_cont.txt SCENARIO m_contrl PLANET m_contrl IDS 8355 TEXT m_contrl.txt MUSIC 5 SCENARIO m_contrl PLANET m_contrl IDS 8374 TEXT m_onslaught.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN
Crash 50%
TERRAIN control IDS 8208 TEXT sk_cont.txt SCENARIO m_contrl PLANET m_contrl IDS 8355 TEXT m_contrl.txt MUSIC 5 SCENARIO m_onslaught PLANET m_contrl IDS 8374 TEXT m_onslaught.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN
Crash at 25%
TERRAIN control IDS 8208 TEXT sk_cont.txt SCENARIO m_contrl PLANET m_contrl IDS 8355 TEXT m_contrl.txt MUSIC 5 SCENARIO m_onslaught PLANET m_onslaught IDS 8374 TEXT m_onslaught.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN
Which I find strange because I just copy-pasted all the m_control files and just renamed them :s
Which are the important files? The m_onslaught.scn in the Virtual Store or the m_onslaught.scn in the Mach1.met? How does that process go?
Fixed it!
I forgot to add m_onslaught to the Metafile.txt used to construct the Mach1.met file. I placed it in there and now it works.
Also explained why everythings crashed earlier. Because I the Metafile.txt wass... empty. So no AI or scenarios were loaded at all. Derp.
But now it works, so I can start on working the units locations... FINALLY
(Still wondering what the .scn and .spl files in the Virtual Store do though...)
appguid.ini data\1o1.rsi data\1o1.scn data\1o1.spl data\1o1demo.rsi data\1o1demo.scn data\1o1demo.spl data\1o2.rsi data\1o2.scn data\1o2.spl data\1o2g.spl data\1o3.rsi data\1o3.scn data\1o3.spl data\1o3b.spl data\1o3bdemo.spl data\1o3demo.scn data\1o3g.spl data\2o1.rsi data\2o1.scn data\2o1.spl data\5o1.rsi data\5o1.scn data\5o1.spl data\all.rsi data\b_cont_b.spl data\b_cont_g.spl data\b_cont_r.spl data\b_cont_y.spl data\b_contrl.scn data\b_dales.scn data\b_dales.spl data\b_roll1.scn data\b_roll2.scn data\b_roll3.scn data\b_rollB.spl data\b_roller.scn data\b_rollG.spl data\b_rollR.spl data\b_rollY.spl data\commsat.rsi data\commsat.scn data\CommSat.spl data\control.rsi data\control.scn data\control.spl data\daynight.rsi data\daynight.scn data\deepbak.scn data\deepspac.rsi data\deepspac.scn data\deepspac.spl data\default.rsi data\desert.rsi data\desert.scn data\desert.spl data\deshard.rsi data\deshard.scn data\deshard.spl data\desmulti.scn data\desspy.rsi data\desspy.scn data\desspy.spl data\deswar.rsi data\deswar.scn data\deswar.spl data\deswarg.spl data\deswary.spl data\dogbar.rsi data\dogbar.scn data\dogbar.spl data\factory.bld data\finger.rsi data\finger.scn data\finger.spl data\fortmult.rsi data\fortmult.scn data\fortmult.spl data\fortseig.rsi data\fortseig.scn data\fseig_b.spl data\fseig_r.spl data\fulltech.rsi data\global.cst data\global.rst data\gracko.rsi data\gracko.scn data\gracko.spl data\grtstgai.spl data\guns.rsi data\guns.scn data\guns.spl data\hightech.rsi data\hilly.rsi data\hilly.scn data\hilly.spl data\home.rsi data\home.scn data\home.spl data\homeg.spl data\ianskirm.scn data\ice.scn data\ice.spl data\joust.scn data\joust.spl data\kidnap.scn data\kidnap.spl data\logos.dat data\lowtech.rsi data\m_1o2.rsi data\m_1o2.scn data\m_1o2.spl data\m_1o2B.spl data\m_1o2G.spl data\m_1o2R.spl data\m_1o2Y.spl data\m_onslaught.scn data\m_onslaught_r.spl data\m_onslaught_b.spl data\m_onslaught_y.spl data\m_onslaught_g.spl data\m_cont_b.spl data\m_cont_g.spl data\m_cont_r.spl data\m_cont_y.spl data\m_contrl.scn data\m_dales.scn data\m_dales.spl data\m_desert.scn data\m_deserX.scn data\m_green.scn data\m_greenB.spl data\m_greenG.spl data\m_greenR.spl data\m_greenY.spl data\m_moon.scn data\m_moonB.spl data\m_moonG.spl data\m_moonR.spl data\m_moonY.spl data\m_mud.scn data\m_mud.spl data\m_roller.scn data\m_roller.spl data\m_space.scn data\mdesert.rsi data\mdesertB.spl data\mdesertG.spl data\mdesertR.spl data\mdesertY.spl data\mdeswar.scn data\mdeswar4.scn data\mdogR.spl data\mdogY.spl data\medtech.rsi data\mgrack.scn data\mgrackB.spl data\mgrackG.spl data\mgrackR.spl data\mgrackY.spl data\micey.scn data\miceyB.spl data\miceyG.spl data\miceyR.spl data\miceyY.spl data\midian.rsi data\midian.scn data\midian.spl data\mmoony.scn data\mmoonyB.spl data\mmoonyG.spl data\mmoonyR.spl data\mmoonyY.spl data\Mseige.scn data\Mseige1.scn data\multidog.scn data\multtest.scn data\parmdata.dat data\resfac.rsi data\resfac.scn data\resfac.spl data\resfacg.spl data\sat.rsi data\sat.scn data\sat.spl data\satg.spl data\savegame.scn data\sceninfo.dat data\seige.rsi data\seige.scn data\seige1.scn data\seigeB.spl data\seigeG.spl data\seigeR.spl data\seigeY.spl data\simstats.ini data\sk_space.scn data\skirmish.scn data\skirmish.spl data\soak.scn data\soak.spl data\space.scn data\space.spl data\stats.ini data\suicide.scn data\suicide.spl data\talon8.spl data\talon8a.rsi data\talon8a.scn data\talon8b.scn data\talon8g.spl data\test.scn data\tut01.scn data\tut02.rsi data\tut02.scn data\tut03.rsi data\tut03.scn data\tut04.scn data\tut05.scn data\tut05.spl data\zenith.dat models\planet\1o1\1o1.csp models\planet\1o1\1o1.env models\planet\1o1\1o1.psf models\planet\1o2\1o2.csp models\planet\1o2\1o2.env models\planet\1o2\1o2.psf models\planet\1o3\1o3.csp models\planet\1o3\1o3.env models\planet\1o3\1o3.psf models\planet\2o1\2o1.csp models\planet\2o1\2o1.env models\planet\2o1\2o1.psf models\planet\5o1\5o1.csp models\planet\5o1\5o1.env models\planet\5o1\5o1.psf models\planet\CommSat\CommSat.csp models\planet\CommSat\CommSat.env models\planet\CommSat\CommSat.psf models\planet\control\control.csp models\planet\control\control.env models\planet\control\control.psf models\planet\daynight\daynight.csp models\planet\daynight\daynight.env models\planet\daynight\daynight.psf models\planet\deepspac\deepspac.csp models\planet\deepspac\deepspac.env models\planet\deepspac\deepspac.psf models\planet\desert\desert.csp models\planet\desert\desert.env models\planet\desert\desert.psf models\planet\desspy\desspy.csp models\planet\desspy\desspy.env models\planet\desspy\desspy.psf models\planet\dogbar\dogbar.csp models\planet\dogbar\dogbar.env models\planet\dogbar\dogbar.psf models\planet\finger\finger.csp models\planet\finger\finger.env models\planet\finger\finger.psf models\planet\fortmdn\fortmdn.csp models\planet\fortmdn\fortmdn.env models\planet\fortmdn\fortmdn.psf models\planet\fortmult\fortmult.csp models\planet\fortmult\fortmult.env models\planet\fortmult\fortmult.psf models\planet\fortsdn\fortsdn.csp models\planet\fortsdn\fortsdn.env models\planet\fortsdn\fortsdn.psf models\planet\fortseig\fortseig.csp models\planet\fortseig\fortseig.env models\planet\fortseig\fortseig.psf models\planet\gracko\gracko.csp models\planet\gracko\gracko.env models\planet\gracko\gracko.psf models\planet\guns\guns.csp models\planet\guns\guns.env models\planet\guns\guns.psf models\planet\hilly\hilly.csp models\planet\hilly\hilly.env models\planet\hilly\hilly.psf models\planet\home\home.csp models\planet\home\home.env models\planet\home\home.psf models\planet\ice\ice.csp models\planet\ice\ice.env models\planet\ice\ice.psf models\planet\icedn\icedn.csp models\planet\icedn\icedn.env models\planet\icedn\icedn.psf models\planet\joust\joust.csp models\planet\joust\joust.env models\planet\joust\joust.psf models\planet\kidnap\kidnap.csp models\planet\kidnap\kidnap.env models\planet\kidnap\kidnap.psf models\planet\m_contrl\m_contrl.csp models\planet\m_contrl\m_contrl.env models\planet\m_contrl\m_contrl.psf models\planet\m_dales\m_dales.csp models\planet\m_dales\m_dales.env models\planet\m_dales\m_dales.psf models\planet\m_desert\m_desert.csp models\planet\m_desert\m_desert.env models\planet\m_desert\m_desert.psf models\planet\m_green\m_green.csp models\planet\m_green\m_green.env models\planet\m_green\m_green.psf models\planet\m_moon\m_moon.csp models\planet\m_moon\m_moon.env models\planet\m_moon\m_moon.psf models\planet\mdalesdn\mdalesdn.csp models\planet\mdalesdn\mdalesdn.env models\planet\mdalesdn\mdalesdn.psf models\planet\mgrack\mgrack.csp models\planet\mgrack\mgrack.env models\planet\mgrack\mgrack.psf models\planet\mgreendn\mgreendn.csp models\planet\mgreendn\mgreendn.env models\planet\mgreendn\mgreendn.psf models\planet\micey\micey.csp models\planet\micey\micey.env models\planet\micey\micey.psf models\planet\miceydn\miceydn.csp models\planet\miceydn\miceydn.env models\planet\miceydn\miceydn.psf models\planet\midian\midian.csp models\planet\midian\midian.env models\planet\midian\midian.psf models\planet\mmoony\mmoony.csp models\planet\mmoony\mmoony.env models\planet\mmoony\mmoony.psf models\planet\multidog\multidog.csp models\planet\multidog\multidog.env models\planet\multidog\multidog.psf models\planet\resfac\resfac.csp models\planet\resfac\resfac.env models\planet\resfac\resfac.psf models\planet\roller\roller.csp models\planet\roller\roller.env models\planet\roller\roller.psf models\planet\sat\sat.csp models\planet\sat\sat.env models\planet\sat\sat.psf models\planet\seekndes\seekndes.csp models\planet\seekndes\seekndes.env models\planet\seekndes\seekndes.psf models\planet\seige\seige.csp models\planet\seige\seige.env models\planet\seige\seige.psf models\planet\space\space.csp models\planet\space\space.env models\planet\space\space.psf models\planet\suicide\suicide.csp models\planet\suicide\suicide.env models\planet\suicide\suicide.psf models\planet\talonth8\talonth8.csp models\planet\talonth8\talonth8.env models\planet\talonth8\talonth8.psf models\planet\tut\tut.csp models\planet\tut\tut.env models\planet\tut\tut.psf sounds\Sd2d32.dat sounds\Sd2d64.dat sounds\snddef32.dat sounds\snddef64.dat sounds\vemail\vemail.dat
More crashes, Enough for one night.
Didn't exactly get it to work. Somehow it just won't open m_onslaught.scn (I believe it was an old Sceninfo.bin file that allowed it to work the previous time). Did something wrong somewhere.
Will start anew with fresh m_control files renamed as m_onslaught tomorrow. That should work, right?
Fixed it!
What I did:
TERRAIN control IDS 8208 TEXT sk_cont.txt SCENARIO m_contrl PLANET m_contrl IDS 8355 TEXT m_contrl.txt MUSIC 5 SCENARIO m_onslaught PLANET m_contrl IDS 8374 TEXT m_onslaught.txt MUSIC 5 ENDTERRAIN
So the first one (Scenario) is m_onslaught and the Planet is still m_control. Derp.
Then it still crashed. So I:
- Using a fresh Mach1.met file, I copy/pasted the m_control.scn file and renamed it m_onslaught (it still pointed to the old .spl files) - And it worked.
- Quit game and edited a few of the buildings in seen below. It all seems to work just fine.
Steps / Files
Step 1:
Adds the required ID for the map (ID: 8374) - Place this in /MachinesStep 2:
Place this in /data and remove the scninfo.bin file from /pdata.Mach1.met is too large so:
Step 3:
Extract your Mach1.met file. Add the above file to /data and use the two files below with Metaex.exe:Optional:
Don't know how to use cmd? Place this in the same folder as Metaex.exe:
Extract.bat and execute to extract with Metaex.exeStep 4:
Txt file with all the files you want to load up (Including m_onslaught). Place alongside metaex.exe
mach1.met.txtStep 5:
Uses above txt file to create a Newmach1.met file with all the required files. Place alongside metaex.exe.
Load.batStep 6:
Put the new Mach1.met file in the /Machines folder (always back up old one) and you should be ready to go!Optional:
(Note: You might need to remove the Virtual store files, see above)Nowwww..... It's time for adding some units I think!
You got to love the precision engineering the devs did
Stupid weird draw-distance. Does anybody know how to clear that up?
(Yes. That's very, very far away with a very large camera)
Update: I'm going to use the building in the center to give the player a nice starting base. Recycling ftw
Liking the look of this.
- Removed most of the other buildings again.
- Centered Red Pod in middle of room.
- All the weaponry in the middle room is Red.
- Everything else is Green/Blue/Yellow (To make sure Red player doesn't start roaming or something.
Now I got to add the correct mines.
I'm laughing my balls of because this Geolocator has 22.000 Health, a regenerative strength of 5 Armor PER SECOND and incredible speed and manouverability. I don't know how but he actually destroyed a turret (probably self-destructed when he saw that awesomeness)
Anyway. Gonna use it to scout all the mines. There are others ways but this is fun.
VirtualStore seems to be a place where standard accounts store temporary files when they don't have permission to overrwrite the current folder. Try and go to the current folder, find a "compatibility files" button.
If you have trouble just edit the security permissions of the Machines folder and check "Full control" for normal users. That should write files to the folder directly and not to the virtualstore.
Edit: Files in the VirtualStore are used first (higher priority) before whatever's in the current folder. -
@Judas said:
Anyway. Gonna use it to scout all the mines. There are others ways but this is fun.
I didn't know you could do that. Does it just show it forever once you've located a mine?
@bilal said:
@Judas said:
Anyway. Gonna use it to scout all the mines. There are others ways but this is fun.
I didn't know you could do that. Does it just show it forever once you've located a mine?
What I do is use the scout to see all the mines on the minimap. The little toggle there allows you to switch between seeing units only, mines only or both. I then use that as a 'general guideline' on my larger maps (the very large .jpg minimap) I posted above. It's not exact, but it works.
Mine's are looking good! I'll also add in some goodies for the adventurous types.