Project: Encyclopedia Machinum (Or: The Collective Studies on the behaviors of Machines by Judas et AI.)
Pretty good. Link plz?
@Judas gorilladance? yay.gorilla!
Yeah, I created that crappy gif like a hundred years ago hahahaha
Eeeeehhhh, no we really don't hahaha
@Judas y? i feelz soo aloun wifout emitocons!
yay.gorilla 4ever -
I'm okay as long as we don't have a bunny icon.
@bilal Why not?
Oh. -
Guess what I'm doing ;)
Not using libre office?I like the cover page. Looks so official
You said official?(PS: Mind you, I copied this straight from my own guide 10 years ago and am still in the process of rewriting it. Hence the funny colored text, haha)
Impressive. Now I just gotta do this for the new one lol