OpenMachines - Blueprinted
Hi all,
I tried to work on the Github repo, but I couldn't get it to work (and quite frankly - I don't know C++)
So I'm building something from scratch, using blueprints.
Right now I have a working Camera (Zoon, pan, move, etc) and Game time for a Day/Night cycle.
Now, my secret weapon: I've just purchased the following pack: CLICK
I'm going to see if I can reuse parts of this project for this version of OpenMachines. I want to copy exactly the same gameplay mechanics of Machines over to the new version, because I can see how they are really beginner-friendly ways to making an RTS. For example, Machines doesn't have any AI to hunt for new resources(like trees, or ore).
I'm going to try and see how far I can get!
I'm also following this tutorial series:
I'm going to upload the entire project when I'm fed up with it, so I hope somebody else will pick it up at that time.
Yeah, the worst rated part of Machines is the AI... I keep my fingers crossed that you can accomplish something meaningful following this tutorial! Never hesitate to ask for help. Maybe I can help you with simple C++ algorithms.
Alright, started working on the RTS Template.
First thing I did was to edit the GUI to match that of the original Machines. Right now, the building pane shows when you haven't selected anybody. You can select a building and drop the blueprint anywhere. You must then manually select a builder and make him build the building.
Then I started working on changing the buildings. I didn't really understand what I was doing until I discovered everything was documented. I finally found how I could change the Model/Mesh of the buildings and built my first Garrison.
I think I want to add all the buildings first + the icons to build them. That would be a nice 100% completion to have. Then I want to look into getting some Machines in there, but since all the models are cut up into several pieces, I'm not sure how to combine them.
Oh, and I was happily surprised when I found out that
- Windows 10 3D Paint allows you to hand-draw on the 1999 3D Models.
- Unreal Engine seems to piece together some of the models quite nicely. This give me the option to texture each face seperately (for example, the door of the garrison is a different texture than the rest)
PS: I won't upload the file just yet. I don't think that is very nice to the person that made this RTS Template. Only after I believe I've changed such a considerable amount that it's better to just spend the $15 on the actual template instead of ripping everything out I'll share it with you guys.
Not sure why I created a new account for this. Was too lazy to check if my password still worked lol
Right now I got 3 building:
- Lvl5 Mine
- Garrison
- Lvl1 Civ Lab
I can't build them yet with the buttons (Only the mine, as shown in the video) - but I'll get there :)
I'll upload the files when I think is appropriate. Would be nice to have ready-to-go OpenMachine UE4 files on the Internets