Getting Started on Github
I wrote up a quick guide to help anyone interested in contributing to the project on the Github wiki here. It's nothing too complex, but I suggest reading it if you're new to any aspects of the project.
Feel free to edit the page in case some information has been left out or other improvements could be made.
Hm. Seems like I'll need to wait for my hard disk to get repaired.
But... well. -
I'm going to purchase a new computer tonight. Current one is great for Machines but doesn't cut it for anything else. (I'll get it on wednesday)
Should we have a Development section here on the forums where we can put stuff like this?
Muahaha, I was waitin' for that question entire time!
That means "Yes". -
@Hayden Yes!
However I feel that content like this guide and other info about the repo should probably stay on the github wiki; that would be more organized in my opinion. Of course there would still be stuff to discuss in the Development section.
How I feel:
Technical stuff = Github.
Creative stuff, showing off pictures, talking etc = Development Section (Like the old forum?) -
Yup, something like that. -
@Judas BTW, I learned this recently. If you write C++ in Visual Studio, intelliSense apparently is much faster if you build UE4 from source. I had unbearably slow speeds with VS.I built from source today, so I'm going to check if that's true in a bit.Going to post that in github wiki and the wtf experiences thread later.Yup, VS is so much faster after building from source.I lied. It's no faster. I'm going to disable intellisense and see if that fixes the issue.Final edit: Okay so I disabled intellisense and visual studio is now actually usable. If you're using visual studio and member suggestion is very slow, make sure to do this!Final edit 2: And then it became slow again. Will look for an alternative eventually.
Heard qtcreator is fast, will test it soon. -
what is the current status of this project? is it playable? not yet?
Nope! On the road to prototype... -
@bilal I'd love to see that "bizarre_adventure" map playable!
wow, I'd just like to say, great work!
(sorry for bumping a 4 month old thread. I just thought it needed to be said)
@nainnad Thanks!
Though I haven't been able to work on it recently. I'm figuring a couple things out while doing other work before I continue the project.