Tools: nothingness' Model Extraction Tool
Yes, it is possible to use produced output, anywhere you want. -
@Judas said:
I did this and now I have so much juice
Can we combine it with this:
(Oh, I just read something about Spring Engine)
Hello! I'm very good with Unity and I'm interested in getting a hold of the models from this game to play with. I loved this game but sadly never had the time to sit down and beat it.
Is it possible for you to make the files you extracted available for download on this site?
Okay. The model files are in the DirectX .x file type. I don't know if you can plug 'em in straight away or we need to do some more magic.
I only added a few models to keep down the filesize. -
I went and read about it a bit and I heard that Milkshape3D can convert the .x files. I haven't tried it; convert at your own risk! -
I like milk!
I don't like Milkshape3D! (Trial version, doesn't offer anything. Crap)
I Found this one: has batch convert (DROOL)
Hmm, I'm trying to extract the models from the binary file, but I keep getting output opening error after it finds all the models. What's wrong?
Well, I guess that models are secured by something. Perhaps a password or... I don't really know, but some game-making studios are protective of their models.
And, as I guess, this one is protected too. My friend once tried to crack it open too, but he said that's impossible for him.
Not impossible for you guys, though. Keep thinkin'!
Also, I don't really know if there's such a thing like model-protecting password... but sure, there might be.
I have all the models already. All of them. No password or anything, just point and shoot with the Extraction tool :)
I can upload the .x files later(When I have a little more room to upload stuff @Hayden ? :p). Now we need to change them to usable 3D files (It's 2015, not 1999 after all). Then we can import them in Unreal or Unity or whatever people like and we're off.
Just put this:
"Binex a .x models.bin"
In a Extract.bat file, next to the Binex.exe file and the model.bin file. Should work, did for me :)
o.o genius
I upvote u for ur hard work -
Upvote @nothingness He's our true genius here. I'm just an idiot with a large hacksaw that start sawing, grinding and beating until the game does what I want(I call it 'modding' tho haha).
//Manly tear of pride
(Wait, where's nothingness)
yay.gorilla -
Yeah I did it with just the command in cmd before and it said it found every model, but then said "output opening error." Batch file does the same thing as expected. Too bad.
Well luckily it worked for me, so if I can get those resources uploaded we'll be right as rain!
And we could get great materials for the wiki, too! If we could somehow implement rotating 3D models into it.
Okay! Out of curiosity, about how big is one of those files? -
Very small(2MB total?). Problem is that all the textures are BMP files which bump up the size again. If I can separate those (probably have to do that by hand) I can upload 'm. I'll get on it tonight.
Sounds good. -
Models 1 Contains:
Holo (?) -
Models2 contains: