Project: New Skirmish Maps - Assault, Onslaught, Battle, Satellite
Onslaught - Homeworld
Original Map = home
(Change to onslaught probably)
Create Onslaught terrain type
Add Assemblies to AI.
Add more pods/factories etc etc.
Assault - Jungle
Original Map = Hilly
Build all building
Add assemblies
Create Assault terrain type.
Assault - DeepSpace
Original map = deepspac
Add Assemblies for AI
Build all buildings
Battle - Arena (COMPLETED)
Original map = Tut
7 rounds of reinforcements. Can you make it out?
(RGB DONE. Yellow is giving me trouble // Apparently it's not allowed to place units on coordinate 400 200. Who knew?)
Battle - Testing Ground (COMPLETED)
Original Map = Tut
Judas WarlordTo do:
Above for Green/Yellow.
Recreate this map at least 5 times with 5 different groups on the same unit for all 4 players. (Reapers, Commandants, Knights Templar, Goliaths, Gorillas?)
Satellite - Satellite Suicide
Original Map = suicide
To Do: Add Reinforcements for Red, Blue, Green, Yellow
Satellite - Satellite Sumo
Original map sat
To Do: Add Reinforcements for Red, Blue, Green, Yellow
How did I do the above?:
Add new ID's in machstrng.dll with ResourceHacker //DONE
8211, Jungle Assault
8212, Homeworld Assault
8213, Testingground
8214, Satellite Suicide
8215, DeepSpace Assault
8216, Domeworld (Unused)
8217, Satellite Sumo
I believe it is.
Creating a new ID per Mission in scninfo.dat //DONE
TERRAIN interior IDS 8207 TEXT sk_space.txt
SCENARIO sk_space PLANET space IDS 8321 TEXT space1.txt MUSIC 11
SCENARIO sk_suicide PLANET suicide IDS 8214 TEXT sk_suicide.txt MUSIC 9
SCENARIO sk_sat PLANET sat IDS 8217 TEXT sk_sat.txt MUSIC 5
TERRAIN home IDS 8209 TEXT joust.txt
SCENARIO joust PLANET joust IDS 8360 TEXT joust1.txt MUSIC 9
SCENARIO btut PLANET tut IDS 8213 TEXT btut.txt MUSIC 9
TERRAIN control IDS 8210 TEXT sk_cont.txt
SCENARIO m_onslaught PLANET m_contrl IDS 8374 TEXT m_onslaught.txt MUSIC 5
SCENARIO as_deepspace PLANET deepspac IDS 8215 TEXT as_deepspac.txt MUSIC 5
SCENARIO as_hilly PLANET hilly IDS 8211 TEXT as_hilly.txt MUSIC 11
SCENARIO as_home PLANET home IDS 8212 TEXT as_home.txt MUSIC 7
Create new .txt files //DONE
sk_suicide.txt- Copy old.scn and change the names to whatever you typed in scninfo.dat //DONE (didn't do the .spl files yet)
sk_suicide.scn//5. Remove many "NOT_BUILT" parameters from the .scn file. Not done
//6. Load, play! Not yet(Any other suggestions?)
Midian (Protect the interior, everyone wants it!)
Talok (Protect the research facility)
Desert on Talon Prime (Protect the commander, might be a good escort mission)
Custom map where's a hill (+5 to excellence)Yes!
Btw, wow, you can restore erased posts. Thought I've posted two posts, but it seems like I've posted one.
NEW ASSAULT MAP - Ehh... Machines in space?
Very cool. Does the AI work like in the campaign or like a skirmish. Or at all?Also love the machines in space haha.
@bilal said:
Very cool. Does the AI work like in the campaign or like a skirmish. Or at all?Also love the machines in space haha.
The AI in the Skirmish works exactly the same as the AI in the Campaigns. Sadly tho, the AI is very dumb.
It's basically just a few assembly points where the AI will either build or send units.
You can play around further by setting timers, 'and, or, nor, if' statements or sending units in squads (after a specific amount of units has assembled), or after a specific building /artefact is destroyed but that's basically it.
The onslaught maps are therefore fairly simple to create. Just set the assembly in the middle of the RED's base.
The assault maps will be pretty easy too, as we need only a few assemblies to defend strategic points from the player.
Battle maps will be pretty simple too I reckon. Just set the assembly of all Machines in the middle of the map or create some patrols (If the maps are small like Satellite Shootout). The Machines will then walk around and kill kill kill.
I don't know if I can adjust the initiative level yet, but I reckon setting it to 3 will (hopefully) enable the AI to think for itself more.
Creating a true Skirmish map (in notepad, as I do) is an incredible feat. You need to locate all the coordinates on the map (I do this in a crappy bitmap file) and write these down. Then you need to place all the buildings with the correct orientation and hope not a single one clips with the environment/cliffs/ground/rivers/lava/walls. Then you need to set the assembly points per player to attack the other 3. So that's at least 16 assembly points for all 4 players (Because the player isn't always Red, so Red also needs an AI..)
Then you need to playtest the thing, many many times to make sure nothing goes wrong. Sometimes I see loads of code just commented out because it was causing the Machines to simply stop. I also saw this in my Onslaught map where a couple of gorillas stopped moving because there were 3 turrets in the way.
It would be awesome if somebody could import all the models in Unity/Unreal, import the maps somehow and import the assemblies for each map and allow it to create .scn files so that we have a sort of mapmaker going on. But that's just my fantasy.
@Judas said:
NEW ASSAULT MAP - Ehh... Machines in space?
Yes, I'm confused aswell. Lol.
...and it looks great.
Oh, by the way, just had an idea... why not make some Skirmish maps be available in the "Battle" mode?
Oh, also, make something like...
...this. I don't even remember this game's name, but doing something like that with machines or maybe even nukes would be fun!
Oh, right, it's called "Sea Battle"! yay.gorilla -
@Judas What the HECK is that on the space map in the centre below the star-figure? Looks like some red bus xD Part of the map itsself?
EDIT: Oh. God. I've got the GREATEST idea ever.
Try to survive with a steel bus and wreck as many machines as possible >:) Destruction Derby against Machines? :O F*CK yeah! xD
@StonerHate said:
@Judas What the HECK is that on the space map in the centre below the star-figure? Looks like some red bus xD Part of the map itsself?
That's the seeding pod launching ship. You can see it in the first cutscene of the campaign.
@bilal I wonder if someone could make that seeding pod ship a machine later. I don't know what should it do if someone does it, though.
And by 'machine', I mean being able to play with it in 1st person!
@Encrypted said:
@bilal I wonder if someone could make that seeding pod ship a machine later. I don't know what should it do if someone does it, though.
And by 'machine', I mean being able to play with it in 1st person!
Machines 2: Space Simulator
Sneak peeks
Oh my...
New reinforcements every 30 seconds ...
3 Player Mayhem Free4All
2AM EDIT: I suddenly realize where the green bitmaps that I switched with the red bitmaps ended up. Check out those (green) Goliath missiles!
Joust 2.0
@Judas I knew that Eradicators would cause total mayhem!
Majestic. -
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