Light Infantry Factory
Added the smoke stacks, They're in the same position as i can get them from the images, but the stacks look wrong. Maybe i have to make them lean inwards. I'll make some adjustments, i changed the ribbed things on the side to flow with the mesh, but those stacks are all one mesh each.

Best posts made by JRL101
RE: Buildings inside and out.
RE: Buildings inside and out.
So far so good.
STEP1) Replicate as close as possible.
STEP2) Add additional details
STEP3) Clean
STEP4) Create High Detail MESH for distortion map.
STEP5) Rework original textures and edit where needed. -
Music i found. Sound sorta like something? :)
I constantly play new music everyday. On of my addictions lately is called "GlitchHop" I like that glitchy texture with calmer overtones .
but here's something i came across today... which is kinda weird considering what i've been up to.
Kalya Scintilla - Dance the Spiral Never Ending -
RE: Machines Animator!
@Encrypted Im going to attempt to contribute now i have the ability too. I tried a few years back but there was nothing like unreal or a working wings 3d back then. Now everything is possible. I thought "what better way to re-train my self on new software than to try replicating things from my favorite game!"
Its nice and simple animation too so i can really try at it. -
RE: Voice-acting
@Encrypted I thought echos were a reverberation taking longer to return to your ear.
A reverberation is perceived when the reflected sound wave reaches your ear in less than 0.1 second after the original sound wave.Yea Machines unit voices (i've been looking them up) just sound like they are either filtered through an autotune (like soundwave from transformers), or have that radio effect over them.
Give this SITE an experiment for autotuned filters ^ ,^ heaps of fun.Very starcraft that game sound. Adun'twain-us
RE: Voice-acting
@Encrypted Well make a list of lines from each unit, and try to replicate one unit per sitting.
Wait isn't echo reverb? If you use an oscillating square frequency for the auto tune you'll get more of that robotic voice.
Let me show you what i did with my sisters voice to make a WOPR style voice.WOPR_Unfiltered.mp3
WOPR_WFWSiteExport_NoHarmony.mp3I only cut up her voice, added noise and autotuned it to a square modulation, then changed the pitch per word. Obviously i tweaked the tempo and stuff.
EDIT: I told her to read the words out of order, to destroy the inflections, even just reading the line backwards and cutting it back in order can help.
RE: Voice-acting
@Encrypted hmmm sorta understandable, but how close to the originals can you make it? I cant remember what the original sounds even sound like.
Also just a thought, maybe we should use different peoples voices for different types of units?
The seeding pod voice sounds pretty good (i have no idea what the original sounds like) it sounds like what operations voice should sound sorta like.Cant understand what badass.mp3 is actually saying, except "stop ..... get back to work" after listening to it a few times i can figure out it says "Stop messing around and get back to work" but you want it understandable instantly, maybe reduce the.. reverb? its not "attack" ... um its the opposite one, the out going one, the one that controls how fast/sudden the echo stops. Im not remembering my audio words today.
it needs some noise too, like light crackling/popping in the background maybe? -
RE: Buildings inside and out.
@bilal Useful! Thankyou. Some are missing top views or some front views, but they'll do for now.
RE: Buildings inside and out.
@Ddc_Cl already have that, problem is some of the units have parts all over the place, then when you open the files the mesh is all kinds of messed up. I've been using them for rough scales, but honestly i'm better off just re-making them from images. Most of the folders are also named weirdly. so finding the right ones its problematic.
Latest posts made by JRL101
RE: Pisarz' news/status & other stuff.
@AvionAris Still don't get it, why's the gorilla smashing the little robot after its asked for a game of tag? what's the sword got to do with anything? and why does the gorilla have a sexual recognition of its self? Is the gorilla talking to its self? Why is the gorilla saying the word "Great" in a different language? Why does the sword look like a candy cane? Also does the giant signature mean anything?
I don't understand why it has intentional spelling mistakes? I see the symbols over the explanation but i still don't know why its there, or why specifically the word "great".
The entire image befuddles me. I don't get the joke at all. Im missing information or its not something i can get because i wasn't involved, either way im missing information to make this a relevant joke.. -
RE: Pisarz' news/status & other stuff.
@Pisarz -shrugs- kinda bewilders me. is this some sort of in-joke?
Too many eyes? His hand is wrong in every frame? Spelling problems? Nowhere do i see the words "Karei-ni" except for explaining its meaning at the bottom. -
RE: Random videos
@Encrypted ? Already have a list of units from the unit tree image i have, I just thought this was a good example for someone playing the game with an opinion about the good/bad parts of some units.
This shows the progress for winning a game. -
RE: Voice-acting
@Encrypted I thought echos were a reverberation taking longer to return to your ear.
A reverberation is perceived when the reflected sound wave reaches your ear in less than 0.1 second after the original sound wave.Yea Machines unit voices (i've been looking them up) just sound like they are either filtered through an autotune (like soundwave from transformers), or have that radio effect over them.
Give this SITE an experiment for autotuned filters ^ ,^ heaps of fun.Very starcraft that game sound. Adun'twain-us
RE: Voice-acting
@Encrypted Well make a list of lines from each unit, and try to replicate one unit per sitting.
Wait isn't echo reverb? If you use an oscillating square frequency for the auto tune you'll get more of that robotic voice.
Let me show you what i did with my sisters voice to make a WOPR style voice.WOPR_Unfiltered.mp3
WOPR_WFWSiteExport_NoHarmony.mp3I only cut up her voice, added noise and autotuned it to a square modulation, then changed the pitch per word. Obviously i tweaked the tempo and stuff.
EDIT: I told her to read the words out of order, to destroy the inflections, even just reading the line backwards and cutting it back in order can help.
Random videos
This guy goes through all the different units and buildings that he finds important. I would suggest putting him on 1.5 speed, he's a little slow at talking.
I noticed the APC which i forgot about, and the flying version.
I can understand linking the wasps for carrying larger units only, but there's already a unit carrying unit, so my thought it why not just improve them with either more armor or faster speeds.I was also reminded of the night vision mode for specific units. maybe we should change that to "heat" vision, or "electrical detection" so you can see units through landscape at a specific distance.
RE: Voice-acting
@Encrypted hmmm sorta understandable, but how close to the originals can you make it? I cant remember what the original sounds even sound like.
Also just a thought, maybe we should use different peoples voices for different types of units?
The seeding pod voice sounds pretty good (i have no idea what the original sounds like) it sounds like what operations voice should sound sorta like.Cant understand what badass.mp3 is actually saying, except "stop ..... get back to work" after listening to it a few times i can figure out it says "Stop messing around and get back to work" but you want it understandable instantly, maybe reduce the.. reverb? its not "attack" ... um its the opposite one, the out going one, the one that controls how fast/sudden the echo stops. Im not remembering my audio words today.
it needs some noise too, like light crackling/popping in the background maybe? -
RE: Buildings inside and out.
@bilal Useful! Thankyou. Some are missing top views or some front views, but they'll do for now.
RE: Buildings inside and out.
@Ddc_Cl the models are still arranged with all the parts centered.
The heads are also separate. and they all see to share textures too. -
RE: Buildings inside and out.
@Ddc_Cl already have that, problem is some of the units have parts all over the place, then when you open the files the mesh is all kinds of messed up. I've been using them for rough scales, but honestly i'm better off just re-making them from images. Most of the folders are also named weirdly. so finding the right ones its problematic.