Official websites of the game:
Interview with the game producer:
Website of an animator of the game; it contains animated gifs and videos (scroll down a bit to see them):
Blog of one of the artists that made concept art for the game:
Official review with a different backstory (interestingly, the timeline changed only for human history, but not for the events directly related with the Machine War; however it is relevant for the period of time in which the machines awaited mankind's arrival, since in the final version it was 400 years):
Screenshots found on the box and more:
The storyline changed throughout development prior to the final release of the game: humanity's fate seems to be unknown in the final version of the storyline, whereas in the game's box it is stated that mankind is extinct by the year 2545. However, a booklet that came with the game states that in the year 2109 humanity began the manufacture of the machines, and that contact with Earth was severed, after which four races of machines were developed. Yet, an official review from the publisher differs. This other version sets the beginning of humanity's colonisation programme in the year 2545, with the launch of "probes" (later described as seeding ships carrying seeding pods in the final version); later, in the year 3297, the last World War destroys man, which leaves machines without regular direction and, hence, makes them switch to default software instructions (to continue their work and self-replicate), eventually causing the Machine War due to the Darwinian principles of their algorithm after encountering each other following the expansion of their domains (since the colonisation aimed at many worlds).
Yet again, however, an interview with the game's producer (who replaced another one) reveals another version, which sets the launch of "machine probes" in the year 2171 and our demise in 2173 because of a World War. Also, it is mentioned that machines become self-aware after years of autonomous evolution.
Another version released with the game's earliest demos tells an even more divergent story. The document states that there were different races since the beginning, that the Eden 4 controller "suffered severe damage due to electrical storms", that most of its memory was damaged and that it continued to function until depleting its world's resources, which led to an expansionary quest and its encounter with another race's colony, commencing "a fierce battle for the planet’s resources".
In the end, the instruction manual and the game's official website state that by the year 3297 the Machine War started almost five hundred years ago, and that the machines were instructed to await mankind's arrival "for a further one hundred years" after the "the projected first landing". Prior to all of this, the colonisation programme started in the year 2136, but not the launch of the ships (though that occurred "soon" after that). Also, the uninterrupted spread of the Eden 4 controller's empire lasted for five hundred and sixty years after the first successful landing on its homeworld.
It must be noted that the final version wrote the verb "colonize" with a Z, while the booklet included in the box presents the word "colonise", with an S. This might suggest that the different versions were written by different people, but that is mere speculation.